Monday, April 21, 2008


On Sunday we went out for a very early brunch that some might consider a breakfast (9:30) with Grandma. As I drank my small glass of whole milk (mmm), Grams told us a little bit about our family. I'll recap it, because I don't think Michael will remember as he was a little under the weather (hungover).

Her grandfather was thrown out on the streets with his brothers after his father remarried and the new Mrs. didn't like the children. I find this harsh. But, her grandfather was a hard-working and made it rich. He got married to her grandmother (Grandma's Grandma!) and they had 6 kids. Each kid had one child only. Grandma was one of these children.

She said she wasn't very close with her cousins, but one's name was Marty and she said he was very good looking. She also said he died...Of syphilis! One of her other cousins is now over 80 with a three year old child, and she told us about other cousins who all had affairs and many husbands and wives. It's all quite One Tree Hill-like.

Anyway, it was an interesting history lesson of our family. Basically we're descendants of a bunch of run-arounds and scamps!

Just as I expected...

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