Thursday, April 24, 2008

Youngme / Nowme

I stumbled upon this site (Bonus: It was for an Internet Color Wars) which contains pictures of people recreating pictures of themselves when they were younger. The ones with multiple people are particularly cool. I now know the perfect Grandmothers Day gift (Challenge: Finding a good source picture, and then getting us all together).

(Two posts in one day? MADNESS)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Easy like Sunday Morning Breakfast

I remember it all. Just because I was a little tired (it was 9:30 in the morning!) and had to have Michelle drive because a DUI would have been a very real possibility doesn't mean I don't remember great stories.

Mostly how Grandma's cousin was scolded for remarrying so many times. "You don't have to marry them all. Just have an affair like a normal person". I'm still disappointed Rusty didn't liveblog the event (he was the only one with the technology) or the previous nights celebration.

Come, let us sing a song about Passover and imagine we were at the Sedar.
Drink, Drink Drink, Please Enjoy your Wine
Drink Drink Drink, Then its time to dine
For its Eat Eat Eat, Here At Che Robert's
For its Eat Eat Eat, There's always time to Prepare

Monday, April 21, 2008


On Sunday we went out for a very early brunch that some might consider a breakfast (9:30) with Grandma. As I drank my small glass of whole milk (mmm), Grams told us a little bit about our family. I'll recap it, because I don't think Michael will remember as he was a little under the weather (hungover).

Her grandfather was thrown out on the streets with his brothers after his father remarried and the new Mrs. didn't like the children. I find this harsh. But, her grandfather was a hard-working and made it rich. He got married to her grandmother (Grandma's Grandma!) and they had 6 kids. Each kid had one child only. Grandma was one of these children.

She said she wasn't very close with her cousins, but one's name was Marty and she said he was very good looking. She also said he died...Of syphilis! One of her other cousins is now over 80 with a three year old child, and she told us about other cousins who all had affairs and many husbands and wives. It's all quite One Tree Hill-like.

Anyway, it was an interesting history lesson of our family. Basically we're descendants of a bunch of run-arounds and scamps!

Just as I expected...

Monday, April 7, 2008

My first post!

Hi Grandma!

Hi world!

Thanks Marci and Michelle for coming to see la Mancha. I banged that bucket as primitively as I could for you guys. In terms of posting on this blog, I've been a slacker. But, I was bored online, clicking away, when I found this:

This is a picture from the new children's book Uncle Bobby's Wedding:

Cute guinea pigs stand in for humans in this sensitive story in which Chloe is not concerned that her favorite uncle is marrying another male, only about how it will affect her close relationship with Uncle Bobby. When he assures her that they can still have fun together, she relaxes and gets into her role as flower girl.

I never knew Uncle Bobby was so progressive! Or what a handsome guinea pig he'd make!

I also took my Apple dorkiness to the next level and published a web gallery using my .Mac account. Basically, I can take pictures on my phone and upload them right away. So, I think I'll be doing that more. Here's the link, and check it every so often b/c I hope to add a few photos a week. You know, whenever the inspiration strikes me in this big city.